Pastor Sam

Pastor Sam
Pastor Sam

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Reading - a Must!

School is out and with it comes the proverbial reading list for students to use to stay sharp. Reading is a great way to stay sharp in following Christ. I always advocate that believers immerse themselves in great books to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, too many believers approach following Christ like treading water. Once you've taken the plunge of starting a relationship with Christ by faith, now you are supposed to just tread water until He returns. Throughout Scripture we are challenged and encouraged to grow the life that has been planted in us by Jesus Christ. To do that we need to engage in disciplines that help us grow. Reading the Bible is a must! But reading great Christian literature is also very essential. Let me suggest some books to add to your reading list for this summer. Some of these may be purchased at the resource table at Calvary.

John Baker - Life's Healing Choices
Brennan Manning - The Ragamuffin Gospel
Buddy Owen - The Way of a Worshipper
John Ortberg - The Life You've Always Wanted
J.I. Packer - Knowing God
R.C. Sproul - The Holiness of God
John R.W. Stott - Basic Christianity
Lee Strobel - The Case for the Real Jesus
Gary Thomas - Sacred Marriage
A.W. Tozer - The Pursuit of God
Kay Warren - Dangerous Surrender

And of course, if you haven't read it, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.

That's a start, but it is enough to get you started. I'd love to hear your response as you read the suggested titles. Add a comment and let me know what was helpful.

Pastor Sam

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