Pastor Sam

Pastor Sam
Pastor Sam

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where are we and how did we get there? Part 4

As we continue in our look at post-modernism, let’s consider the second myth that forms a part of the foundation of post-modernism. [If you haven’t read the previous blogs in the order posted, I would suggest you do so now to give greater sense to what follows.]
According to many people today, tolerance is the greatest virtue. This is the logical outcome of the idea discussed previously of relativism. Tolerance, in our society today, states that we must tolerate one another’s viewpoints. But the problem – whose definition of tolerance will we use?
The great thinker Voltaire put it this way: “I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.” That is the classic definition of tolerance that had prevailed for centuries. But today, there is a new tolerance in the land.
The new definition of tolerance today means more that putting up with someone or something in spite of the fact that we don’t like or agree with the idea or person. Now it means not only are we to put up with the person and their idea, but we must also embrace, affirm, and celebrate their ideas. We must value the views and practices of others in the same way that we value our own.
Tolerance is now the highest virtue – it’s more important to be tolerant than to be honest, loyal, or trustworthy. And here’s the bottom line – all people must be allowed to do and believe whatever they want and anyone who disagrees with that in any way is a bad person. Does this sound familiar? You read about this approach to tolerance each and everyday. Not too long ago a Swedish pastor was thrown in jail because he spoke from God’s Word against homosexuality. He was not “being tolerant.”
The new tolerance says that when you disagree with someone, regardless of the truthfulness of your viewpoint, you are not only wrong, you are intolerant! And you best be careful concerning what you disagree with, for you might be ultimately charged with a hate crime! This is where we are currently heading in America and it has huge implications for Christians in America.
The problem with the new tolerance is it, in itself, is intolerant. Perhaps you read of the school principal who stated: “Intolerance will not be tolerated in this school!” Is that double talk, or what?
Tolerance claims to consider all views and practices as equals. But look closer. When you or I disagree with abortion and take a pro-life stance, we are called intolerant. But have you ever heard a pro-choice, pro-abortion person tell us that we have a right to believe as we do and that’s okay with them?
The same difficulty lies with homosexual issue: we are supposed to be tolerant toward them for their beliefs. But when a Christian expresses the biblical viewpoint, the gay caucus cries bloody murder because of the perceived intolerance of the Christian. This view of tolerance (or intolerance depending on your viewpoint) has again raised its ugly head in the current controversy over the building of an Islamic mosque near the site of the 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Center. According to some, if you don’t believe it should be built in Lower Manhattan, you are being intolerant.)
The bottom line: The new tolerance of today is anything but tolerant.
So what does God think about all this? This new tolerance is simply double-talk. God’s Word says this:
Isaiah 5:20-21 (NLT) – “What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. 21 What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever.”
Proverbs 17:15 (NLT) – “Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— both are detestable to the Lord.”
Obviously, God desires truthfulness. o is that which is right and there is that which is wrong. While we must be tolerant of others right to believe as they do, we do not have to label their beliefs as correct when they are obviously wrong. The great need in our world today is a return to the definition of tolerance that was prevalent before the arrival of post-modernism.
Again God’s Word says,
Proverbs 14:12 – “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.”